
Course content for B1 Spanish courses

In this article you will learn which book is covered in the Spanish B1 course as well as which topics are on which page.

Spanish B1.1

Chapter 1Continuous learningKB 7-16 FROM 76-85Comparing schooling then and now Saying how to learn better Talking about different types of learning Talking about leisure activities Talking about skills Explaining the reasons for a choice The past perfect tense The gerund: adverbial use The contrast between the indefinite and past perfect tenses
Chapter 2Social lifeKB 17-26 FROM 86-95Describing relationships Expressing moods and states of mind Expressing feelings towards other people And/or situations Describing the character and physique of other people Writing a blog for the internet The present subjunctive: forms and uses (1) To be and being
Chapter 3Other ways to travelKB 27-40 FROM 96-107Relating travel experiences and anecdotes Identifying useful and relevant information Expressing the episode Telling and describing events of the past Giving travel recommendations Planning a trip The past perfect tense: forms and uses Present subjunctive tense: usage (2) Impersonality: 3-person plura
Chapter 4EnvironmentKB 41-50 FROM 108-117Talking about environmental issues Predicting the future Understanding newspaper and radio reports about environmental issues Radio about environmental issues Writing a letter of complaint to a newspaper Expressing an opinion in a debate Understanding news about environmental issues in newspapers and on the radio The simple future tense: forms and uses Conditional sentences with if present subjunctive: uses (3)
Chapter 5Healthy lifeKB 51-60 FROM 118-127Describing a sport Making suggestions Making assumptions Making recommendations Ursos 59 l the simple conditional: form and use present subjunctive: use (4)
Chapter 6MediaKB 61-74 AB 128-135 Test units 136Analyzing the news Writing a short message Expressing an opinion Talking about TV shows Telling the plot of a movie Giving advice The indirect style Relative clauses
AppendixExercises for Unidades 1- 6 Grammar Overview Word List by Lesson Alphabetical Vocabulary Key to the WorkbookP. 76 P. 138 S. 158 S. 167 S. 173