
Course content for B2 German courses

In this article you will learn which book is covered in the German B2 course as well as which topics are on which page.

Safe! Up to date,
German B2.1

Chapter 1FriendsKB 12-24 FROM 9-24Two-part connectors, middle field in the main clause, word formation (suffixes in nouns)
Chapter 2In the companyKB 25-38 FROM 25-42Conditional passive, of or by in passive sentences, word formation (prefixes with nouns), causal relations, participle I and II as adjectives
Chapter 3MediaKB 39-50 FROM 43-58Referring words in the text, word formation (suffixes in adjectives), that-sentences and their equivalents, abbreviated if-sentences
Chapter 4After schoolKB 51-62 FROM 59-74Expressing temporals, temporal relations, word formation (suffix -wise in adverbs)
Chapter 5Body AwarenessKB 63-74 FROM 75-90The verb let, future tense II (conjectures), verb conjunctions
Chapter 6Experience citiesKB 75-88 FROM 91-106Meaning of the subjunctive II (unreal conditions, wishes and comparisons), adjectives with prepositions

Safe! Up to date,
German B2.2

Chapter 7RelationshipsKB 89-102 FROM 107-122Nouns with prepositions, indirect speech, generalizing relative clauses, comparative clauses
Chapter 8NutritionKB 103-116 FROM 123-138Subjective meaning of the modal verb sollen, word formation (nominalization of verbs), conditionals, concessives
Chapter 9At the universityKB 117-130 FROM 139-154Consecutive connections, fixed connection of nouns with verbs, word formation (negation by prefixes and suffixes in adjectives).
Chapter 10ServiceKB 131-142 FROM 155-170Alternatives to the passive voice, subjectless passive sentences
Chapter 11HealthKB 143-154 FROM 171-186Indefinite pronouns, modal relations
Chapter 12Language and regionsKB 155-168 FROM 187-202Extended participle, adversative clauses, participles as nouns, word formation (fugue elements -s- in nouns)