
Course content for B1 French courses

In this article you will learn which book is covered in the French B1 course as well as which topics are on which page.

On y va!
French B1

Chapter 1Tour de FranceLB 11-24AB 19-24France and its overseas départements, Corsica and Mayotte, national stereotypes présent and future tense, the real conditional clause with si, the relative pronoun dont, the relative pronouns qui and que
Chapter 2Apprendre pour le plaisirLB 25-38FROM 35-38Skills and competences, exchanges for services, happiness The emphasis with c'est...qui / c'est...que, the unreal conditional sentence with si + imparfait
Chapter 3Ici, là-bas, ailleursLB 39-56AB 49-56City or country life, urban exodus, life abroad The adverbs on -ment, the demonstrative pronouns, the derivation of the feminine form of the adjective
Chapter 4Carrefour des générationsLB 57-70AB 66-70Comparison of epochs and generations, generational conflicts, living together, the subjonctiv présent (1), use of imparfait and passé composé
Chapter 5Du côté des consommateursLB 71-84AB 80-84Money and its meaning, consumption and consumer behavior, eating habits and cooking recipes, agreement and disagreement The gérondif, the comparative and nouns (quantities), divisional articles
Chapter 6Je, tu, il, elle, nous et les autres...LB 85-100AB 94-100Relationships (friendship, love and other feelings), social commitment, disabled people, expressing feelings The subjonctif présent (2), the pronouns en un y as indirect objects, adverbial pronouns
Chapter 7L'utile et l'agréableLB 101-114AB 111-114Small mishaps in everyday life, animals and animal owners, amusement parks The passive voice, the relative pronouns ce qui and ce que, the interrogative sentence
Chapter 8Vous êtes au courant?LB 115-128AB 124-128Good news, miscellaneous (faits divers), the responsibility of the media Indirect speech (in the present tense), the past perfect tense, interrogative pronouns
Chapter 9L'avenir, c'est aujourd'huiLB 129-142AB 138-142Environmental problems / environmental protection, travel and forms of tourism, lifestyles and habits The subjonctif after conjunctions, the possessive pronouns