
Course content for A2 German courses

In this article you will learn which book is covered in the German A2 course as well as which topics are on which page.

Steps plus new
German A2.1

Chapter 1ArriveKB 10-21 FROM 10-22Family and family members, forms of residence and life Conjunction weil, perfect tense, names in the genitive, preposition von
Chapter 2At homeKB 22-33 FROM 23-35Apartment, apartment building, living together in an apartment building Interchangeable prepositions, verbs with interchangeable prepositions, directional adverbs
Chapter 3Food and drinkKB 34-45 FROM 36-46Food, quantities, prices Yes/no questions, zero article, indefinite article, negative article, plural, verb conjugation
Chapter 4Working worldKB 46-57 FROM 47-58Work and leisure, job search, business/company, hotel Conjunction if, subjunctive II
Chapter 5Sports and fitnessKB 58-69 FROM 59-71Sport and types of sport, health and fitness Reflexive verbs, verbs with prepositions, interrogatives and prepositional adverbs
Chapter 6School and trainingKB 70-81 FROM 72-83School and types of school, school subjects, education and profession Preterite of modal verbs, conjunction that
Chapter 7Celebrations and giftsKB 82-93 FROM 84-95Gifts, wedding, celebrations Dative as object, position of objects, preposition of + dative

Steps plus new
German A2.2

Chapter 8WeekendKB 94-105 FROM 96-106Leisure activities, at the weekend, wishes and plans Subjunctive II, conjunction nevertheless
Chapter 9My thingsKB 106-117 FROM 107-119Objects and materials, buying, preferences and importance Adjective declension of indefinite articles, comparison, comparative particles als and wie, word formation of adjectives
Chapter 10CommunicationKB 118-129 FROM 120-131At the post office, communication and media Passive - present tense, interrogative article, adjective declension of definite article, word formation noun -ung, word formation adjectives un-
Chapter 11On the roadKB 130-141 FROM 132-144Directions, traffic, weather Local prepositions (aus, von, an ... vorbei etc.), conjunction deshalb, word formation adjectives -bar, -ig, -isch
Chapter 12TravelKB 142-153 FROM 145-157Travel and booking trips, travel destinations, activities on vacation Local prepositions an, auf, in, adjective declension without articles, temporal prepositions of ... an, über, modal prepositions without
Chapter 13On the benchKB 154-165 FROM 158-169Bank, banking transactions, services Indirect questions with interrogative pronouns (what, where, whether etc.), verb let
Chapter 14Life situationsKB 166-177 FROM 170-179I and others, vacations and leisure time, wishes and dreams Repetition of various topics (subordinate clauses, perfect and past tense, subjunctive II, word formation of nouns and adjectives)