
Course content for A1 Italian courses

In this article you will learn which book is covered in the Italian A1 course as well as which topics are on which page.

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Italian A1

Chapter 1Studio l'italiano!KB 9-20AB 124-129Making acquaintance, greeting and saying goodbye, name, origin, spelling, personal pronouns, subjective and adjective
Chapter 2IncontriKB 21-30AB 130-135Getting to know each other, occupation, place of residence and work, languages, age, writing an ad, greetings, regular verbs with -are, prepositions
Chapter 3Un caffè, per favore!KB 31-40AB 136-141In the bar; breakfast, asking for the bill, reading the menu Verbs: (vorrei, preferire), regular verbs on -ere and -ire
Chapter 4Tutti i giorni?KB 41-54AB 142-148Everyday life, the weekend, time verbs for the daily routine, times of day, days of the week, reflexive verbs
Chapter 5Usciamo insieme?KB 55-64AB 149-154Explanations, in the restaurant The verbs sapere and potere, the prepositions in and a
Chapter 6E tu, cosa hai fatto ?KB 65-74AB 155-160A professional and a private experience, past events Time indications: (ieri, la settimana scorsa), the months, the date, congratulations,
Chapter 7Che hobby hai?KB 75-88AB 161-167Leisure activities, sports, shopping Color adjectives, divisional articles, the pronominal adverb, the interrogative Quanto?
Chapter 8Ci vediamo?KB 89-98AB 168-173On the road in an Italian city, means of transport Adjectives to describe a place of residence, place names, the prepositions in and su, the direct object pronoun
Chapter 9Il mio mondoKB 99-108AB 174-179Family, friends, neighbors Adjectives and expressions to describe people, kinship terms, possessive pronouns (mio, tuo, suo...)
Chapter 10Finalmente è veberdi!KB 109AB 180-185A weekend in another city / region The weather, means of transport, the si construction, the verb dovare, the pronominal adverb ci