
Course content for A1 French courses

In this article you will learn which book is covered in the French A1 course as well as which topics are on which page.

On y va!
French A1

Chapter 1On y va!LB 09-22 FROM 09-22First meeting, greeting and saying goodbye, names, profession, nationality and origin, verb être and personal pronouns, adjectives
Chapter 2Comment allez-vous?LB 23-36 FROM 31-36Getting to know each other better, family, age, asking questions, greeting and saying goodbye, avoir
Chapter 3Un café, s'il vous plaît!LB 37-56 FROM 47-56Ordering and paying in a café, asking for an explanation, interests and preferences dialog, verb aimer, -er conjugate verbs,
Chapter 4Le temps libre, c'est quand?LB 57-74 FROM 68-74Sports, leisure activities, justify, time and days of the week, main information Pourqoui? Parce-que..., verb prendre,
Chapter 5Le marché, c'est loin?LB 75-92 FROM 86-92On the way, market, shopping conversation, introduce a city Feminine/masculine, noun, word pairs, ce, cet, cette, ces,
Chapter 6Sept jours sur septLB 93-112 FROM 103-112Everyday life, weekend, time and daily routine, everyday working life, correct sentences, verbs, regular participle forms, irregular participle forms, avoir ou être, past participle
Chapter 7On sort, ce soir?LB 113-128 FROM 123-128Restaurant, invitation, telephone Adjectives, imperative, in a aimé / on n'a pas aimé, pouvoir, vouloir ou devoir
Chapter 8Vivre ensembleLB 129-146 FROM 140-146Reading advertisements, describing people, living: Neighbors and surroundings Verb mettre, Female or male, son, sa, ses ou leur / leurs,
Chapter 9Week-end évasionLB 147-166 FROM 157-166Weekend in a European city, hotel, writing postcards À, au, aux ou en, the reflexive verbs in the present tense